A Randomised, Controlled Trial of MDMA-assisted Prolonged Exposure Therapy for Comorbid Alcohol Use Disorder and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (MPATHY)

Sponsor: University of Sydney
Recruitment Status: Not yet recruiting
First Posted: Feb 2, 2023


Does Psilocybin Require Psychedelic Effects to Treat Depression? (PSI-RIS)

Sponsor: Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
Recruitment Status: Not yet recruiting
First Posted: Feb 2, 2023


1-Acyl-LSDのガスクロマトグラフィー/質量分析(GC/MS)における分解挙動 (Okada et al.)

[Decomposition behavior of 1-Acyl-LSD in Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS)]

Published: Feb 1, 2023
Japanese Journal of Forensic Science and Technology


Toxicity of the 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine and Its Enantiomers to Daphnia magna after Isolation by Semipreparative Chromatography (Costa et al.)

Published: Feb 2, 2023


Reduced death anxiety as a mediator of the relationship between acute subjective effects of psychedelics and improved subjective well-being (Moreton et al.)

Published: Feb 2, 2023
Death Studies

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